Vine Vs Instagram: Why Brand More Choosing Video Instagram


Vine Vs Instagram: Why Brand More Choosing Video Instagram – After preceded by rumors that quite widely, June 20 Instagram finally truly launched its video features. This new feature is immediately greeted enthusiastically. in The The first 24 hours, there were 5 million videos uploaded to Instagram.

The presence of a video feature on Instagram makes it compete head to head with Vine, video sharing application that Twitter acquired last January. At the beginning of the launch seen that video Instagram outperformed Vine. In statistics released by Topsy – site analysis of social media – it appears that the amount of video Vine that in-sharedi Twitter decreases dramatically.

Total videos sharemelalui Vine had reached the highest point on 15 June. Nearly 2.9 million videos shared through the day Vine. However, this number dropped drastically on June 21, just a day after the video Instagram launched. Total videos sharehari it down to just 1.35 million. that is to say experienced a decline of more than 50%. The question is why did this happen? Not only the users who flocked to try video Instagram on days

The first release. Brand also directly try the new features. Lululemon and Burberry listed as one of the brands instantly launch their video in Instagram in the early hours of its release. What exactly makes the brand seem very enthusiastic on this feature? The duration of the right video Tipograph According to Rachel, Director of Digital and Social Media Global Gap, this is one of them because the duration of the video offered by Instagram. “The duration of 15 seconds set Instagram very interesting. They know that the advertisers have their own interests to the 15-second ad. I think number 15 seconds chosen Instagram is not random selection, “he said as quoted olehMashable.

Vine vs. Instagram for Online Stores
For Online Stores largest use today is very big on Instagram. Examples Shop Online Grosir Baju Pria , They use Image products for put Instagram. For video still many online stores that use instagram as the best option at this time in Indonesia.

Directly connected with Facebook
Gap directly designing their promotional videos so the video Instagram launched. Tipograph hope Gap can be released two videos each week in Instagram. Why is that? Tipograph admit that the strongest reason is because any videos Instagram sharedi be one automatically appear on the Facebook page like a photograph.

“How to build engagementdi Facebook is through pictures. The news that the video on Instagram will be published directly on Facebook as well as photos Gap made us very enthusiastic. Because it means that we will see the formation of broad and strong engagementyang on Facebook, “said Tipograph. Gap today has 4.5 million fansdi Facebook and 130,000 followers on Instagram. That means Gap does have  a large audience base for videos already and will they release the platform.

For comparison, currently only has 6,000 followersaja Gap in Vine. The reason for the lack of the number of followers they are no different from other brands. it because the brand must build a community from scratch in Vine. Even so, Gap itself does not plan to stop or reduce postingmereka in Vine. This is because according Gap, video tweetdengan Vine able to increase the level of engagementhingga six-fold compared to tweet without video.

Vine Community must be built from scratch
But, unfortunately, other brands have different ideas. Kate Spade for example. Mary Beech, Chief Marketing Officer of Kate Spade, stressed that his company wanted present in every major platform. It’s just that they face a major challenge in the Vine, is to build a community of hard to see where that will eventually lure more users and advertisers, Vina or Instagram. Vote too early taste today. But Instagram obviously would be a formidable opponent for the Vine when they do not immediately clean zero. Currently Vine account Kate Spade has a total of 13,000 followers, while their Instagram accounts follow by 350,000 users.

“We are now really have to sit down and decide what’s best about it. We will make a priority based on the number of medium followerdan allows us to do what we want to do, “says Beech told Mashable. National Geographic also have opinions that are not much different from the Kate Spade. In fact, they openly say having difficulty in Vine, otherwise find a lot of convenience in Instagram. “We do not want priority to a platform than others. However, since the beginning we did have a stronger bond with Instagram. However, that does not mean we do not trying to get it to Vine, “said Robert Michael Murray, VP Social Media National Geographic. It is hard to see which one will eventually lure more many users and advertisers, or Instagram Vine. Vote too early taste today. But Instagram obviously would be a formidable opponent for the Vine when they do not immediately clean. For friends who want Tutorials Marketing can click here !